Create an Account

Please fill in the details below to start your new account. Fields with an * are required.
Spyderco will not give, lend, or sell your information to anyone for any reason.

Account Details

First name *  
Last Name *
Date of birth * (mm/dd/yyyy)
How many knives do you own?
How many of your knives are from Spyderco?

Username *
Password *
  • At least eight characters in length
  • No more than 20 characters in length
  • Contain at least one number [0-9] character
  • Contain at least one special character from: !@#$%^&*()~`-=_+[]\{}|:";',./<>?
  • Contain at least one upper-case and lower-case letter
  • Cannot match your account username or email address
Email *
We need an email so we can send you a receipt. Your information will NOT be sold to a third party.

Would you like to receive correspondence from Spyderco?
Yes   No  

Billing Address:

For APO, DPO and FPO addresses please enter either "APO", "DPO" or "FPO" as your city and "AA", "AE", or "AP" as your state/province.

Address *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Telephone *

Shipping Address:

Same as Billing Address?  Yes    No  
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
Country *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *

Privacy, Security, and Returns

By purchasing or receiving any item produced by Spyderco, Inc., the owner assumes the responsibility to research and comply with all applicable federal, state, local, and international laws related to the possession, ownership, carry, shipment, transport, and use of any Spyderco product. The owner expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Spyderco, Inc. for all claims resulting directly or indirectly from the purchase, possession, ownership, transportation, or use of the item in violation of applicable federal, state and local laws or regulations. Spyderco is not liable for the misuse of any Spyderco knife or product purchased either directly from Spyderco or a reseller. You must be eighteen (18) years of age to purchase Spyderco knives.

All rights reserved. All product names, art and text herein are the property of Spyderco, Inc. and may not be reproduced in part or whole without the sole written permission of Spyderco, Inc.
Please note, images shown on may be of Production Prototypes. Modification of products, materials, measurements, technical specifications and availability can occur.

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