Kiwi™ Jigged Bone
$99.95 MSRP
Scores of knife knuts have asked "why doesn't Spyderco make a conventional folder like an old time jackknife or penknife?" We have. Our traditional-influenced offering is the Kiwi and it reflects features found on Grandfather's favorite whittler while remaining true to Spyderco's preference for high-tech materials and ergonomics.
Its two-inch VG-10 blade has a Wharncliffe profile and pronounced hump created to accommodate the Spyderco Round Hole. Position of the hole on the blade is important (especially for smaller knives) in finding the spot with the most comfortable/natural pivotal rotation when opening one-handed. Dual finger choils cutaway on the underbelly of the handle deposit the fore- and middle fingers in alignment for optimal control. Amber-colored jig bone scales set next to brushed stainless bolsters are reminiscent of more traditional cutlery. In the manner of a true gent's folder, it is clipless.
Discontinued Product - No Longer Available.